AAUP-CBC Upcoming Events

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing to remind you to mark your calendars for these upcoming AAUP-CBC events!

AAUP-CBC Spring Regional Meeting

  • We invite our Midwestern members to join us at the AAUP-CBC Spring Regional Meeting, which will be held at the University of Cincinnati on Saturday, April 18. It will include workshops and presentations geared towards helping faculty build power on campus, maintain successful relationships with administrators, and successfully organize on campus. The full agenda for the meeting can be found at http://www.aaup.org/event/aaup-cbc-spring-regional-meeting-0.

To register for the meeting, please visit https://classic.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=1691393.

AAUP-CBC Annual Meeting and Dinner

  • The AAUP-CBC annual meeting and dinner will be held on Thursday, June 11, in conjunction with the AAUP’s 2015 Annual Conference on the State of Higher Education.

Registration and program details can be found at http://www.aaup.org/event/2015-aaup-annual-conference 

2015 AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute

  • Please plan to join us at the University of Denver, July 23–26, 2015, for an intensive, four-day series of workshops and seminars that will prepare you to organize your colleagues, stand up for academic freedom, and advocate for research and teaching as the core priority of higher education. The AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute is the premier resource for organizing in higher education, whether you are in a unionized or nonunion setting. If you are a tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty member, a part-time faculty member, a graduate student, or an academic professional, the Summer Institute offers you the skills you need to protect higher education’s mission.

Registration opens in April. Stay tuned for further updates on registration and program details: http://www.aaup.org/event/2015-summer-institute.

We hope to see you at one or more of these events!


Christopher Simeone, AAUP-CBC