Our November 12, 2015 lecture with Professor Howard Bunsis of Eastern Michigan AAUP and Chair of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress, has been postponed. We will send out a new notice to the membership once a new date is confirmed.
Our November 12, 2015 lecture with Professor Howard Bunsis of Eastern Michigan AAUP and Chair of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress, has been postponed. We will send out a new notice to the membership once a new date is confirmed.
A group of committed faculty are organizing resistance to the deep cuts to the UCONN libraries for FY 15 and 16. The cuts to the library will stifle one of the University’s core functions – research.
Faculty are encouraged to add their signature to the letter expressing their concerns.
Today in the Storrs Student Unit Professor Emeritus Ellen Schrecker spoke on “Hired Education: Corporatization, Academic Freedom, and the Role of Faculty Unions” at a gathering of students and faculty.
Her entire lecture can be viewed at Schrecker Lecture
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is the leading organization protecting academic freedom, tenure, academic standards in higher education. Many faculty assume that they are members because the University deducts a portion of their paycheck for AAUP dues. However, one must opt in if they wish to become a bona fide member of the Chapter and of National AAUP.
As a member you are entitled to attend all UConn-AAUP social functions, vote for Chapter officers, run for Chapter office, and vote on the Chapter Bylaws. In addition National AAUP offers numerous benefits including a subscription to AAUP’s Academe magazine, and exclusive access to faculty webinars, toolkits, and publications. At the National level membership includes standing for a national office position, participating in committee work, and voting and participating in national meetings (for a full list of benefits see below). There is no additional fee for joining as the amount deducted in dues is the same whether you or a member or not.
Especially during these upcoming contract negotiations in the Fall of 2015 we hope you choose to have a say in how your dues are spent and take an active role in our Chapter.
National AAUP Membership Benefits