SEBAC Updates

Letter from SEBAC to Lisa Egan Grasso 3-17-16

Letter from Lisa Egan Grasso to SEBAC 3-14-16

3/9/16 SEBAC Response to Threats of Deeper Service Cuts and Further Layoffs


After the Governor’s State of the State address proposing cuts to vital public services which would impact UConn operations, the State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) issued a statement below followed by a press release which can be viewed at the link at the end of the statement.

Gov.’s Budget Cuts Membership Update


TO: UConn-AAUP Members

DATE: 2/4/16

SUBJ: A Threat to CT’s Quality of Life


Yesterday Gov. Dannel P. Malloy proposed deep cuts to public services and state workforce layoffs that threaten Connecticut’s quality of life. The governor also addressed contract negotiations with our unions and referred to us as – “partners in labor.”

Let’s be clear; the governor and legislators on both sides of the aisle have done little to engage state employees as partners. Instead, their tactics look more like attacks against an adversary.

If elected officials want to be partners, a good start would be ending costly and wasteful outsourcing that even the governor’s budget chief could not account for when asked by the press. Another significant step would be to ask Connecticut’s millionaires and profitable corporations to pay their fair share to protect the vital public services we depend on.

True partners would welcome our talented and hardworking members’ help in tackling much bigger problems: a shrinking middle class and growing income inequality.

We know our union members won’t sign on to an agenda of slashing vital services and continuing a race to the bottom for our state. Neither will our brothers and sisters in the labor, community, faith, and environmental community, especially when politicians are unwilling to step up and address the real issues affecting the 99 percent.

More to come, and in solidarity,

SEBAC Leadership

SEBAC Reaction to Governor Malloy Proposed Public Service Cuts 2-3-16

UConn-AAUP will be updating bargaining unit members on the developments of any discussions between SEBAC and the Governor’s administration.