2017 CT State Conference-AAUP Annual Spring Meeting

CSC-AAUP Annual Spring Meeting

Friday, May 12, 2017, 5:30pm-9:00pm, The Graduate Club, New Haven.

Dear AAUP Member: On behalf of CSC-AAUP President Uchenna Nwachuku and members of the Executive Committee I invite you to attend our Annual Spring Meeting.

On Friday May 12, 2017, the Connecticut State Conference-AAUP will hold its Annual Spring Meeting. This membership event takes place from 5:30 to 9:00PM at the Graduate Club, 155 Elm Street, in New Haven, Connecticut.

Our most distinguished guest speaker will be Professor Risa L. Lieberwitz, of Cornell University and General Counsel of AAUP since 2014. Her presentation will focus on “Academic Freedom, Faculty Governance, and Collective Action: Law, Policy, and Politics.” Professor Lieberwitz is an expert on academic freedom, with published articles on university-industry relations, free-speech rights in the university, the privatization and commercialization of the academy, and faculty identity and collective action.

Two links to Professor Lieberwitz’s web pages are available for your review:



The George E. Lang, Jr. Award will be presented to a Fairfield University faculty member and members of Yale University’s graduate union Local 33—UNITE HERE will be honored.

A flier is attached with directions and a reservation form for your convenience. Special meals may be available for members who prefer vegan or vegetarian choices; please let me know. You may register via mail or email prior to Friday May 5.

Contact me if you have questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you in May. Thank you, Flo Hatcher, CSC-AAUP Executive Director