Please see the invitation below to participate in a virtual conversation with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro:
DeLauro UConn AAUP – 9.10.20 Virtual Zoom Event – Final Invite
Please see the invitation below to participate in a virtual conversation with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro:
DeLauro UConn AAUP – 9.10.20 Virtual Zoom Event – Final Invite
In this issue:
A Virtual Conversation with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, September 10, 2020, 3:00 – 4:00 pm
“The Appropriations Committee Process and opportunities for federal funding”
In 1990, Rosa DeLauro was elected to the House of Representatives and she has served the State of Connecticut and UConn since then. Last year, as a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, Congresswoman DeLauro shepherded over $19 million in federal funds to the University of Connecticut. This year, Rosa has an opportunity to rise to the level of Chair of House Appropriations, a move that would benefit not only the state, but the University of Connecticut immensely. Please see the latest article on Rosa:
Congresswoman DeLauro is hosting a Zoom call for members of the UConn community on the Appropriations Committee process and potential opportunities for funding over the next couple of years. Please join us in showing your support for her potential move to the Chair’s position and learn about potential federal funding opportunities.
In order for you to participate, you will have to RSVP in advance in order to get the Zoom link to the conversation.
Virtual Membership Meeting
As per the UConn-AAUP ByLaws, a membership meeting (for dues paying members only) must be convened to review the proposals that the bargaining team will submit for negotiations. During the Spring 2020 semester, the Contract Committee established subcommittees to review the contract and propose improvements. A report was developed by the committee and will be presented at the September 4, 2020 meeting. Negotiations for the expiring successor agreement will begin on September 15, 2020.
Members who would like to join the meeting should follow the Zoom link provided in the previous email sent September 2, 2020 to members only.
If you have a question you would like to ask in advance, please submit the question to Tom Bontly ( The chat function will also be available during the meeting.
Thank you.
Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President
Michael Bailey, Executive Director