Day: November 4, 2021
UConn-AAUP Update: November 4, 2021
Negotiations Update Meeting: November 17, 2021, at 12:30 pm via Zoom
These administration proposals should capture your attention:
- 3-year contract – 0%, 0%, 1% wage + 1% merit
- Union busting – labor board petition to remove coaches
- Remove access to letters of reference in PTR/P&R evaluations
- Annual review of tenured faculty
- Allow anonymous material in personnel files
UConn-AAUP will be holding a meeting to update members on the status of negotiations and to plan actions to support our negotiating team including petitions, op-eds, letters, rally’s, use of social media, etc.
This is YOUR future. We need your help and support – be there!
Zoom link will be sent next week.
In Solidarity.
Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President Michael Bailey, Executive Director |
“Follow” us on Twitter: @UConnAAUP |
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