This Friday, March 23, 2017 the Legislature’s Appropriation’s Committee will hold a public hearing on 95 bills that have one common purpose- to undermine collective bargaining rights in Connecticut.
Some of the bills up for discussion include;
-Jeopardizing retirement security for public employees ( HB 5695, HB 5696, HB 5780)
– Legislative approval on every union contract ( 19 bills call for this)
– Killing binding arbitration awards and agreements if the parties reach impasse ( SB 158, SB 268, HB 5013)
– Force state employees to pay higher benefit co-pays and fees ( SB 348, SB 578)
– Forbid collective bargaining for retirement and healthcare for all public employees allowing the state to arbitrarily increase contributions to employees ( SB 368)
- Some more specific examples include;
HB 5012 – An Act Concerning Pension and Health Care Benefits from State Employees and Officials Exempt from Classified Service
- Convert all state employees and officials exempt from classified service to defined contribution pension (401K style) plan and health savings account
- As an FYI. Employees exempt from classified service include, “All members of the professional and technical staffs of the constituent units of the state system of higher education” C.G.S. 5-198 (12).
HB 5838- An Act Excluding Retirement and Health Care Benefits from Collective Bargaining by State Employees
- Exclude, on and after July 1, 2022, retirement and health care benefits for state employees and retirees from collective bargaining
The full list of bills to be heard on 3/24 can be found here: 3/24 Appropriation Committee Bills
We are asking members to submit testimony to oppose these bills that impact your working conditions, your student’s learning conditions, and your quality of life. Please send written testimony to
If you wish to testify in person, please contact Michael Bailey at