Leaders of the UConn Labor Coalition (UCLC) are outraged by President Maric’s February 7 message regarding the proposed state budget which exclusively places the University’s growing budget shortfalls on the backs of its unionized workers again.
This statement is offensive and false and we demand an immediate retraction.
It is also in stark contrast to the values regularly articulated by university leaders, most recently in the strategic plan, which states, “To serve our students, foster innovation, and uphold academic excellence, we prioritize supporting our faculty and staff, celebrating their achievements, and enabling growth.”
The University’s true values are reflected in the budget and spending priorities. This statement showcases that the administration’s priorities are not with their employees or students even though time and again they push the message that “investing in UConn and our students is an investment in Connecticut, its people, and its future.”
Every year, we raise our voices at the state legislature to ensure UConn gets the funding it needs. The Administration needs to recognize the contributions we have made to help with the legislative priorities of UConn and UConn Health. President Maric’s message does the exact opposite.
The UConn Labor Coalition (UCLC) is looking at all possibilities for response. We need the membership to be as outraged as we are. Please reach out to President Maric and let her know how insensitive her message is.
Call President Maric’s office today and demand that she immediately retract this comment and stand in solidarity with the faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate workers who help make up the “UConn Nation.” Her email is president@uconn.edu and the office phone number is (860) 486-2337