February 15, 2023
Appropriations Committee Hearing on Higher Education
The Appropriations Committee will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. in Room 2C of the LOB and via Zoom. The public hearing can be viewed via YouTube Live. In addition, the public hearing may be recorded and broadcast live on CT-N.com. Individuals who wish to testify must register using the On-line Testimony Registration Form. Registration will close on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. Speaker order of approved registrants will be posted on the Appropriations Committee website on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. under Public Hearing Testimony. If you do not have internet access, you may provide testimony via telephone. To register to testify by phone, call the Phone Registrant Line at 860-240-0033 to leave your contact information. Please submit written testimony using the On-line Testimony Submission form (see below as well). The Committee requests that testimony be limited to matters related to the items on the Agenda. Speakers will be limited to three minutes of testimony. The Committee encourages witnesses to submit a written statement and to condense oral testimony to a summary of that statement. All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As such, it will be made available on the CGA website and indexed by internet search engines.
Buses leaving Student union at 10:45. There are 800 seats available which will be given on a first come/first served basis.
Press Conference will be held upon arrival at the North Steps of the Capitol
Group will move to the Appropriations Hearing for President Maric’s public remarks set for 1:30
Public Testimony will begin at 7:30pm.
Staff & AAUP Leadership will be present all day. Come join us in solidarity with the students and staff of our campuses.
Contact Your Legislative Leaders:
Call or e-mail your legislators. You can the contact information here: C G A (ct.gov)
There is no deadline to submit written testimony, but we suggest submitting 24 hours in advance to ensure that your testimony is posted for the public record in time for the hearing.
This can be used to start your own testimony: Testimony Template
These talking points can also be used to support writing your testimony:UConn-AAUP Appropriation Talking Points
Here are examples of past testimony given at Appropriations hearings:
Testimony Appropriation.2-22-22.Junda
Bontly T testimony on SB 8_2022
To submit written testimony please do the following:
- Navigate to the Appropriations Committee testimony submission site here (https://www.cga.ct.gov/aspx/CGATestimonySub/CGAtestimonysubmission.aspx?comm_code=app).
- Enter your personal information as directed in the form.
- Under the Hearing Date and Time drop down, select 2/15/2023 5:00:00 PM
- Under the Bill Numbers drop down, select HB06659- AAC The State Budget For The Biennium Ending June 30, 2025, And Making Appropriations Therefor.
- Under “How do I want to Submit my testimony” Select Upload A File I Select
- Attach your written testimony in PDF form
- After your testimony is reviewed by the committee (Please give it some time), it will be posted here as part of the public record.
** Please be aware that all submitted testimony is public record. Depending upon the information you supply, this may reveal some or all of the following: Email address, physical address, phone number, name, age, and other personal information. All submissions are uploaded and linked on the Connecticut General Assembly website. All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As such, it will be made available on the CGA website and indexed by Internet search engines.
Please contact the office for additional questions.