UConn-AAUP Retiree Assembly/Chapter Draft By-Laws

UConn-AAUP would like to organize a retiree assembly/chapter. Below you will find a draft of Assembly ByLaws. Contact Michael Bailey if interested: michaelbailey@uconnaaup.org

UConn-AAUP Retiree Assembly


Article I—Name

The name of this organization shall be the UConn-AAUP Retiree Assembly, an affiliate of the UConn-AAUP.

Article II—Mission

Members of the Retiree Assembly seek:

a) to maintain their commitment to the UConn-AAUP;

b) to enhance the academic environment at the University of Connecticut, advise UConn-AAUP on issues concerning faculty retirement, and assist retirees in maintaining and
developing their association with the University of Connecticut;

c) to inform themselves and others about federal, state, and university policies that may impact Connecticut public sector retirees, especially those who were employed in higher education, and to develop and articulate positions in regard to such policies;

d) to further their commitment to scholarly activity by making presentations to the Retiree Assembly, and by attending similar presentations by other members;

e) to discuss and understand issues that may extend beyond the expertise of Retiree Assembly members, and therefore welcome presentations by current UConn faculty and others; and

f) to broaden and expand their social and cultural lives through activities of interest to the group;

Article III—Membership

Upon payment of their yearly dues, the Retiree Assembly welcomes all retired UConn faculty be they full-time, part-time, tenured, non-tenured, and Athletic personnel.

Article IV—Officers

a) The officers of the Retiree Assembly shall be 1) a Chairperson; 2) a Vice Chairperson; 3) a Secretary; 4) a Treasurer. Holding one office shall normally exclude holding another at the same time.

b) Officers shall be nominated by a committee appointed by the Chairperson and shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership by mail ballot. The ballot shall include provisions for write-in candidates.

c) The term of office shall be for two years, with the chair and vice chair being elected in odd-numbered years, and the secretary and treasurer being elected in even-numbered years. The elections shall be concluded by May 31 of each year with the terms to commence on July 1st.

d) Each year Retiree Assembly members shall elect one of their members to serve as the Assembly’s delegate to the Executive Committee of UConn-AAUP for a one year term. The primary responsibility of this delegate shall be to report back to the
Assembly Executive Committee and the membership about the issues coming before the UConn-AAUP. The delegate shall also serve as the conduit through which retirees may bring business or concerns to the UConn-AAUP Executive Committee.

Article V—Executive Committee

a) There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the four elected officers and the immediate past chairperson.

b) The Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis and shall consider matters that may come before the Retiree Assembly.

c) The committee will meet upon the call of the Chairperson to consider possible changes in mission, relationships with other organizations, or other matters deemed essential to the Retiree Assembly; and it shall select the time and place of Assembly

Article VI—Meetings

a) For the purpose of conducting meetings of the Retiree Assembly, a quorum shall consist of twelve (12) members.

b) At such meetings, Robert’s Rules of order shall normally be followed. The agenda for Retiree Assembly meetings shall be as follows:

1) Call to order
2) Approval of the minutes, if any, from the previous meeting
3) Report of the Chairperson
4) Report of the Secretary and/or Treasurer
5) Report of any standing committees
6) Old business
7) New business
8) Adjournment

c) Membership meetings may be planned by the Chairperson in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Article VII—Standing Committees

Standing Committees may be established by the Chairperson with the consent of the Executive Committee.

Article VIII—Dues

Retiree Assembly dues on an annual basis shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the membership.

Article IX—Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by or to the ExecutiveCommittee and must be approved by a majority of the members in attendance; however, this majority must include at least five (5) Assembly members who are not members of the Executive Committee.


E-Newsletter: September 2019

September 13, 2019 Newsletter

Mary Gallucci, Editor

President’s Message: Agenda for 2019-20

Tom Bontly

Welcome back for a new academic year! Throughout the Summer and into the Fall, your UConn-AAUP chapter has been hard at work. Here is a brief update on a few of the bigger items on our agenda for 2019-20.

Organizing for Contract Negotiations. Hard to believe, but our current contract expires in less than 22 months. These agreements take time to negotiate (the last one more than a year!) and more time to secure the approval of our members, the Board of Trustees, and the General Assembly. Negotiations on the successor should commence by the end of the Spring ’20 term, and there is much to prepare: data to analyze, priorities to debate, bargaining positions to formulate, and so on.

If you would like to get involved, this is your chance. Our Contract Committee is forming, along with subcommittees on everything from promotional increases to improving contingent faculty benefits.

Salaries.   Salary compression and inversion are majors concerns, as are inequities related to gender or minority status. Our chapter attempted to address these issues with the Provost’s fund, a new feature in our contract. But the fund is dwarfed by the magnitude of these problems, so we will continue to address them with administration and, if necessary, in contract negotiations.

Travel Money. With travel funds exhausted earlier every year, faculty members are rightly frustrated. Last year, we worked with OVPR to ensure that at least some travel money was available for Spring, but the underlying problem is that the amount remains too small.

Budget Cuts. For several years running, academic departments have been forced to trim their discretionary budgets, and academic programs are under strain. We will be lobbying in Hartford for an increase to the block grant and meanwhile addressing the problem with administration.

Unfunded Liabilities. Due to the State’s artificially inflated fringe benefit rates, the cost of doing research at this University has skyrocketed and is now considerably higher than at competing institutions. The culprit is the State’s massive unfunded pension liability, a result of decades spent kicking the can down the road.

The inflated fringe rates leave our PIs with less money to spend on actual research, which translates into fewer publications and grant applications, fewer patents and start-ups, and less grant revenue for the University. We all have a stake in finding a solution. Last year, UConn-AAUP worked with the General Assembly to find a legislative fix. Progress was made, but the session ended without a solution, so we shall try yet again.

Executive Director’s Message: “Membership in UConn-AAUP”

Michael Bailey

With the 2017 Supreme Court decision in Janus, non-members, those who chose not to become members of the AAUP, were no longer required to pay dues toward collective bargaining representation. Thus, the divisive intent of the slanted Supreme Court was realized as some members of the bargaining unit pay dues and non-members do not pay, yet receive the same negotiated protections and benefits.

UConn-AAUP sees this as a challenge and an organizing opportunity to prove the value and benefits of supporting the efforts of the union. Every day, members and non-members, call or email the union office for assistance with an employment issue. Every day, those calls and emails are answered and assistance is given.

UConn-AAUP is a member-driven organization, requiring faculty to govern the chapter. The chapter is led by three elected officers, ten elected members-at-large, and a regional campus representative. More importantly, the chapter is led by members who attend and vote at the chapter meetings. In order for you to participate in governance, you must become a member of the AAUP by signing an authorization form.

The bottom line is that if you want AAUP to be here to represent you in the years ahead – to fight for you at the bargaining table, in the legislature, or when you have a workplace problem – then you owe it to yourself and your colleagues to be a member. Remember, just being in the bargaining unit does not make you a UConn-AAUP member; you have to sign up!

The Chapter has many events planned for the year, some of which may be restricted to members only. Be sure to become a member in order to enjoy all of the benefits negotiated and offered by the union.



UConn-AAUP Open House


The UConn-AAUP Executive Committee is hosting an Open House on October 2, 2019 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. UConn-AAUP is located at 1875 Storrs Rd. Storrs, CT. (Route 195) Come meet the officers and staff who work to make this chapter one of the best chapters of the AAUP.


Revised Letter of Appointment. Each August 15th, letters of appointment for annually appointed faculty are sent out by HR. Please read your letters carefully and look for any changes from the previous year’s appointment letter. If changes have been made which were not discussed with you in advance, please contact the UConn-AAUP office immediately.


Faculty Travel Funds. On August 8, 2019, the OVPR announced that the AAUP/OVPR travel funds for the Fall 2019 (July 1 – December 31, 2019) were committed and no more funds were available. As we reported last year, the FY 20 funds were to be separated into two travel periods, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Any funds that were awarded and not used were to be returned to the fund for additional awarding. Application for the Spring period will begin on November 1, 2019.

It is very apparent that the amount of money available for faculty travel through these funds is insufficient. It is also very apparent that the exercise of negotiating a marginal increase to these funds during negotiations will lead to the same outcome. Some departments have money available for faculty travel, but many do not.

President Katsouleas has been charged by the Board of Trustees, and through legislation, to double the research component at the University. His plan includes ramping-up efforts for collaborations with industry partners and other Universities. Increasing the funds available for faculty travel to present papers and engage in conversations for collaborations must be a priority of this administration.

UConn-AAUP will work with the President’s office to increase funds for faculty travel.


Representative Assembly. In an effort to increase member participation in the governance and activities of the union, a critical aspect of every successful union, UConn-AAUP leadership decided to create a Representatives Assembly. Similar to a steward’s program, the representative from a department has 4 basic functions:

  1. Convey information about the union to members and non-members within a department or unit, and convey members’ and non-members’ ideas and concerns to those who are overseeing the day-to-day activity of the union, especially during negotiations for the new collective bargaining agreement;
  2. Serve as a point of contact for the grievance issues of their constituents;
  3. Encourage non-members to sign up as dues-paying members and become more involved in the daily functions of the union;
  4. Attend Chapter meetings and orientations for representatives and obtain commitments from members to come to events and participate in actions of the union.

Meetings of the Assembly are scheduled once a month, with more scheduled during negotiation years.

Check with your department colleagues to see who your Assembly representative is or call the union office. A department without a representative is not adequately informed of current employment issues or union activities.


Upcoming UConn-AAUP Events – Save the Dates –


  • September 18, 2019 – 4:00-6:00 pm – McHugh Hall Room #206, Storrs Campus – National AAUP Senior Program Officer Hans-Joerg Tiede, Department of Academic Freedom, Tenure and Governance will present “Academic Freedom in the Age of Trump.”
  • September 20, 2019 – 2:30-4:00 pm – Student Union Room #304, Storrs Campus – National AAUP East Coast Organizer David Kociemba will present “Contingency and Gender: How Adjunct Hiring Disproportionately Effects Women and POC. What adjuncts, tenured faculty, and the union can do”.
  • September 24, 2019 – 12:30-2:00 pm – Stamford Conference Room #113 – UConn-AAUP Regional Campus Visit to Stamford to meet with members
  • October, 2019 – Edward Marth Mentorship Award Submissions
  • October 1, 2019 – 12:00 noon-2:00 pm – Hartford Campus – HTB #209 – UConn-AAUP Regional Campus Visit to Hartford to meet with members
  • October 2, 2019 – 4:00-6:00 pm – Open House at the UConn-AAUP Office, 1875 Storrs Road (Route 195) – come meet the officers and staff – light refreshments will be served!
  • October 24, 2019 – 12:00 Noon – Annual UConn-AAUP Member Luncheon


E-Newsletter: May 2019

UConn-AAUP Newsletter

May 1, 2019


  • May 20th Rally for a Moral Budget
  • From the Chapater President – Tom Bontly
  • UConn-AAUP Committe W (Women)
  • Faculty Traveling Funding
  • Welcome President Katsouleas

2018 Legislative Bulletin- 1/30/18

Jan 30-2018 Legislative Bulletin

LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN                                                                                                                                          January 30, 2018

Editor: Mary Gallucci, UConn-AAUP Executive Committee


2018 Legislative Session Higher Education Bills


  • Increasing faculty teaching loads
  • Elimination of dependent tuition waiver
  • Further cuts to the block grant
  • Eliminating bargaining over healthcare/retirement post-2027
  • Prohibiting the increase of tuition
  • Legislative control over the allocation of any tuition increase


These are but a few of the almost 100 bills that were submitted in the 2017 legislative session. Based on information from our lobbyists, UConn-AAUP expects to see these again in the 2018 session that begins on February 7, 2018. We will monitor and report to you when it is time for you to contact your legislator to address these bills. Talking points will be provided to you.


2018 Legislative Budget Adjustments


In the ongoing battle between Governor Malloy and the Legislature on how to address the now projected $240.2 million budget shortfall, Malloy symbolically vetoed a bi-partisan bill to reverse cuts to the Medicare Savings Program, fully expecting a promised over-ride by the legislature. (The Medicare Savings Program uses Medicaid funds to help poor and disabled patients pay for health care costs that Medicare does not cover.) The lawmakers wrote their plan into the budget adjustment bill on July 8, 2017, while Malloy was attempting to push the effective date to July 1 for savings to the current budget. The lawmakers found another way to pay for the benefit.


We will prepare to comment on further adjustments to the budget, including possible rescissions to the UCONN appropriation, in the upcoming session.


New Economic Commission Focuses on Structural Reforms

From P.J. Cimini, Esq., Capitol Strategies Group, LLC

UConn-AAUP’s Lobbyist

A new state commission (Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth) was charged by the State Legislature with developing and recommending policies to grow the economy and stabilize Connecticut’s fiscal situation.  The new commission is charged with recommending a set of specific recommendations for the General Assembly focusing on a number of key structural problems, including: taxes, state employee retiree pension and healthcare benefits, transportation funding, workforce development, population loss, and regionalization of municipal services.  The recommendations are due by March 1, 2018 and will be presented as a bill for an up or down vote by the State Legislature.

The commission has held a variety of meetings at various locations across the state to get public input.  Chairman Patricelli said the commission was unlikely to recommend reopening the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition agreement covering retiree pension and healthcare benefits.  Leaders of SEBAC will be given an opportunity to address the commission in the days and weeks ahead.

The Commission features eight business leaders among its 11 members. At their first meeting, commission members heard from Governor Dannel Malloy, state budget director Ben Barnes, and Department of Transportation commissioner James Redeker.  “This commission will serve to give the private sector a greater voice in strengthening our state’s fiscal foundation,” Governor Malloy said in a statement.  “In particular, it is my hope that they specifically focus on efforts to fund our transportation system in a way that best makes the needed infrastructure investments.”

How You Can Get Involved in the Legislative Process this Semester


Given the challenges mentioned in this newsletter, we hope you will consider lending your voice in the legislative process this semester. We often get the question, “How Can I Help?” and we would like to provide some ways you can convey the message that UConn and UConn faculty are essential to the current and future well-being of the State and its residents.


  • The legislature needs some education about the nature of faculty work. Thus, it is vital that the public at-large and members of the state legislature are made aware of the important work UConn faculty do every day. As a result, we are soliciting faculty profiles through a questionnaire that asks what you do, what is your research focus, what would you change about your work environment, and what inspires you to come to work every day.


Our goal is to release faculty stories via social media and news outlets throughout the next legislative session in Feb. 2018 and through the 2018 elections. For the link to the profile questionnaire, email Chris Henderson at chenderson@uconnaaup.org


  • Become a legislative liaison. A few years ago we solicited some faculty to begin establishing a relationship with their respective legislator – we would like to expand that to everyone in the Chapter. By establishing a relationship with your legislator, talking to them on occasion about your work and the effects of their legislation, we can hope to change the narrative about academic life. Let us know and we can set up an initial meeting with your legislator in your district or at the Capitol.


  • Testify at a public hearing. When there is a public hearing on the previously mentioned bills, we would alert you to that hearing and encourage you to testify. Hearing from UConn-AAUP will not be enough, they need to hear from you – the individuals most affected by their legislation.


  • Call or email your legislator. Not only in the context of pending bills that could affect you, but call or email them to introduce yourself. The work you do is amazing and they need to know who is doing it. It could also lead into other opportunities in service and research.


  • Attend an event or action. We are planning a series of events at the Capitol this semester including lobby days, press conferences, and gubernatorial candidate forums. Show support for UConn and your work to crystalize the message that higher education is a public good. See our alert via email about an event on the first day of the legislative session.


  • Utilize social media. Post a picture of yourself explaining why investment in UConn is important to you and your community. Use the hashtag #UConnWorksforCT. Be sure to send a copy to Chris Henderson so he can post on the Chapter social media pages.


If you have other ideas or wish to help out in anyway, please reach out to us.


Important Dates

2018 UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards – Deadline for Submission – February 16, 2018

UConn-AAUP Executive Committee Election – Voting Begins April 2, 2018

Click here for the Executive Committee Candidate Slate

UConn-AAUP Annual Chapter Meeting – April 25, 2018 – 12 noon – Student Union #330