Become a member of UConn AAUP!

Membership Authorization & Dues Deduction Authorization From


  • MEMBERSHIP AUTHORIZATION: YES! I want to join with my colleagues and become a member of UConn-AAUP. I hereby request and voluntarily accept membership in UConn-AAUP and I agree to abide by its Constitution and Bylaws,


  • DUES DEDUCTION AUTHORIZATION: I hereby request and voluntarily authorize my employer to deduct from my earnings and to pay to UConn-AAUP an amount equal to the regular bi-weekly dues applicable to members of UConn-AAUP. This authorization shall remain in effect unless I revoke it by sending written notice to UConn-AAUP. This authorization shall be automatically renewed from year to year as long as I remain a member in good standing of the bargaining unit.



    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Home Address* (Required to mail Academe)

    Address (line 2)

    City* State* Zip*


    UConn Location



    AAUP Membership Categories* (please select one)
    Full TimeEntrant: (new Tenure Track faculty only)Part Time: (Special Payroll Adjuncts)

    By checking the terms and conditions box below, I positively affirm that I want to join with my colleagues and become a member of UConn-AAUP. I hereby request and voluntarily accept membership in UConn-AAUP and I agree to abide by its Constitution and Bylaws, I authorize UConn-AAUP to act as my exclusive representative in collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and other terms and conditions of my employment with my employer.

    I also hereby request and voluntarily authorize my employer to deduct from my earnings and to pay to UConn-AAUP an amount equal to the regular bi-weekly dues applicable to members of UConn-AAUP. This authorization shall remain in effect unless I revoke it by sending written notice to UConn-AAUP. This authorization shall be automatically renewed from year to year as long as I as I remain a member in good standing with the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.

    I accept the terms and conditions

    I am "All-In" with UConn-AAUP and I am willing to participant in the following Chapter Activities: