National AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress Nominations

Dear AAUP-CBC Member:

AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress chair Howard Bunsis (Eastern Michigan University), acting in accordance with the AAUP-CBC Bylaws, has appointed the nominating committee for the 2016 AAUP-CBC Executive Committee elections. The members of the committee are Paul Davis (Cincinnati State Technical and Community College), Katherine Morrison (Curry College), Michael Dreiling (University of Oregon), James Davis (Brooklyn College, CUNY), and Lisa Minnick (Western Michigan University).

The elections are for the offices of AAUP-CBC secretary, treasurer, and three at-large seats. These elections will be conducted in conjunction with the AAUP-CBC meeting to be held June 16-17, 2016, in Washington, DC. The length of term for each position is two years.

We are writing to invite you to submit nominees for the positions listed above. To guide you in this process, please refer to the AAUP-CBC constitution (available at Please note that in order to be eligible to stand for election, the nominee must be a member of a member unit of the Collective Bargaining Congress, as defined in Article III.

The process for nominating a candidate, is outlined in Articles V and VI of the CBC Constitution:

To submit a nomination before April 1, please download the following forms:

To submit a nomination on or after April 1, please download the following forms:

Finally, please send a one-page summary of AAUP-CBC and/or other AAUP activities (local, state, and national) for each nominee.

Please note that the AAUP-CBC constitution was amended during the January 11, 2014 special membership meeting. You can read a summary and the full text of the amendments at:

Nominees will be called upon to make a short presentation at the June 16 evening meeting and be available for questions. Please inform your nominee of this fact. Voting occurs in the morning of June 17.

For your information, the continuing members of the Executive Committee are:

Howard Bunsis, Chair (2017)
Accounting, Eastern Michigan University

Paul Davis, Vice-Chair (2017)
Behavioral & Social Sciences, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Cecil Canton, Member-at-Large (2017)
Criminal Justice, California State University, Sacramento

Katherine Morrison, Member-at-Large (2017)
Community Health & Wellness, Curry College

José Padín, Member-at-Large (2017)
Sociology, Portland State University

Please fax all pertinent material to the AAUP-CBC Nominating Committee (202) 737-5526, as soon as possible, and mail a copy of same to the CBC Nominating Committee c/o Department of Organizing, AAUP, 1133 Nineteenth St., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036. The office will send you a confirmation of having received your documents.

If you have any questions about the process, the elections, or any related matter, please feel free to contact the Department of Organizing, at (202) 737-5900, or contact Joshua Lenes via e-mail at


Katherine Morrison (Curry College), Chair
AAUP-CBC Nominating Committee

The AAUP-CBC supports unionization as the most effective means for academic employees to protect shared governance and academic freedom, to uphold professional standards and values, and to promote higher education as an investment in our common future. Visit the AAUP-CBC website and Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.