Between 175-200 faculty, staff, students, and community leaders rallied to show their support for collective bargaining rights in light of the impact a Supreme Court case will have on union’s power to negotiate for their members.
Click here for an article ran in the local Chronicle!
Here are a few images from the day’s rally courtesy of AFT-CT.
We have been working tirelessly to encourage faculty to become members of the chapter to increase our bargaining strength and mitigate against the effects of a shortsighted decision coming from the U.S. Supreme Court later this year. UConn-AAUP, along with other unions on campus, are holding an informational rally on the day of the case’s oral argument ( Monday, Feb 26, 12-1pm) to educate the community about the values of union membership and the effects this case will have at UConn and across the country. These educational events are taking place all across CT at the same time as well as across the country.
The General Counsel of AAUP has framed it in these terms, “This case is part of a broader effort to weaken the freedom and power of working people, undermine public services, and to erode the common good. The Supreme Court should consider the benefits of robust collective bargaining and unionization for public employers, employees and the general public, including improved government services, better educational outcomes, and higher economic mobility,”.
Given the rhetoric as well as the proposals at the CT Capitol targeting faculty, public employees, and higher education ( e.g. proposals for wage freezes after the expiration of the current contract), the need for a strong faculty voice is clear. I hope you can take some time out to come on 2/26 but I also hope you can encourage your colleagues to come. We need a robust turnout!
You can find the flyer for the event below and attached. Please spread this information to your departments and units. We are trying to gauge turnout so it would be great if attendees can RSVP at
More information on Janus v. AFSCME can be found at the following links:
Supreme Court to Hear Anti Union Case
Educators file amicus brief with Supreme Court