UCONN-AAUP Update: April 18, 2022


  • Article 19.9 Provost Fund – Application Process Begins NOW!!
  • Merit Pool for AY21-22, AY22-23 and AY 23-24

Article 19.9 – Provost Fund Application Guidance

Follow a link to the Guidance for FY23 here. Requests for salary adjustments are made between April 1, 2022 and June 1, 2022 for August 2022.

In the recent negotiations, UConn-AAUP was able to negotiate an increase in the amount of funds available for distribution by the Provost for FY 23, 24 and 25 for the following:

  • Making increases in base salary in order to retain faculty in the face of market competition,
  • To address other salary disparities including but not limited to salary compression and inversion,
  • To make equity adjustments, and
  • To recognize special achievement.

Negotiations also produced an additional $500,000 to be distributed by the Provost for FY 23, 24 and 25, which will be allocated for equity adjustments and salary disparities. Once the contract is approved by the legislature, procedures will be made available for those funds by the Provost.

Satisfactory Performance and Merit Pool

We have received a few questions concerning how the Merit pool, if any, will be handled for AY2020-21, AY2021-22, AY 2022-23 & AY2023-24. See the explanation/clarification below.

The Collective Bargaining agreement does not address how to manage merit distribution.  It has been the policy of UConn-AAUP to allow the merit award process to be determined by departments.  Each department will determine whether or not to include faculty achievements from AY2020-21 in the merit award for AY2021-22.

Merit for AY2020-2021: No Merit Pool established for August 2021.

Who decides on whether a faculty member has performed unsatisfactorily? The department head would have to have given a 4-months’ notice of an unsatisfactory rating back in AY2020-2021.

Salary for AY2021-22: There is a 2.5% GWI for satisfactory performance and a 2% one-time satisfactory performance-based award applied to base salary, retroactive to August. No Merit Pool established.

Salary, Merit, and Inflation Adjustment for AY2022-23: There is a 2.5% GWI for satisfactory performance, a 1% Merit Pool established, and a 1% Inflation Adjustment added to base salary.

Salary, Merit and Inflation Adjustment for AY2023-24: There is a 2.5% GWI for satisfactory performance, at least a 1.5% Merit Pool established, a possibility of at most a .5% Inflation Adjustment.

Salary, Merit and Inflation Adjustment for AY2024-25: Contract Reopener – Negotiating in AY2023-24.

In Solidarity

Mary Ellen Junda, President

Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President

Michael Bailey, Executive Director