In this Issue:
- UConn-AAUP Initiates Arbitration in Negotiations
On December 9, 2021, after 52 meetings and 203 total hours of negotiations with the Board of Trustees negotiating team, UConn-AAUP has initiated arbitration to resolve the outstanding issues on the table. The tipping point for your negotiating team was the proposals presented today on Articles 19 Salary and Benefits and 38 Summer and Intercession Compensation. Regarding Article 19, after waiting since April 8th for movement from their 0%, 0%, 1% +1% proposal, the administration returned with a proposal where the only change was in the second year from 0% to .75% GWI plus .75% merit. Nominal rates of .75% and 1% will quickly erode faculty salaries with inflation well over 5%. The Executive Committee supported arbitration when repeated attempts to reach agreement with the administration on engaging an arbitrator failed. The prudent decision was to rely on the mechanism provided in the collective bargaining statute. The statute provides a timeline for engaging an arbitrator, but also allows the parties to continue to meet and work on any unresolved issue. We will update you on any progress along the way.
In Solidarity.
Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President Michael Bailey, Executive Director |
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