In this Issue:
- Appropriations Committee Hearing for Higher Education: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
- Negotiations Update
Appropriations Committee Hearing for Higher Education: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Please respond to this email if you would like to sign up to provide oral and written to the Committee. Follow the link to FY 2023 UConn and UConn Health Legislative Requests.
Each year, the Legislative Appropriations Committee holds a hearing for constituents of higher education institutions to present their budget requests before the committee. That date has been scheduled for February 22, 2022 and it will be virtual. Interim President Maric, Provost Lejuez and Interim CFO Lloyd Blanchard will be presenting on behalf of UConn. Leadership from UConn-Health will be presenting the UConn-Health budget.
This is also an opportunity for the Committee members to hear directly from faculty and students on their experiences of: 1.) maintaining the block grant funding, 2.) Funding the collective bargaining increases; 3.) Eliminating the legacy costs attached to the fringe benefit rate; 4.) Funding the 27th payroll; 5.) Funding increased expenses or revenue losses due to COVID surges. The committee members appreciate hearing about personal stories, especially from faculty members and students. Please consider sharing your story with them. If you know of a student who would like to participate, please assist them in telling their story. We need a good showing on February 22, 2022.
Negotiations Update
UConn-AAUP Negotiating Team members have been meeting with Board of Trustee representatives since March of 2020.We have updated you along the way with the difficulties we have been experiencing in resolving articles/issues of the expired contract. Many of the other 33 other state employee bargaining units have also been experiencing the same struggles, including UCPEA and the UConn Health center unions. Governor Lamont has stepped in and, with agreement of leaders from the other bargaining units, provided guidance to assist in reaching contract resolutions with the unions. Any unresolved issues will be brought to an “Escape Room” on February 21, 2022 where the parties cannot leave until a temporary agreement on a contract is reached. This preliminary contract must then be brought to the membership for review and then ratification. It will also go to the Board of Trustees for approval, and then on to the legislature for funding.
The next two weeks are a busy time for UConn-AAUP. Please keep watch for additional Updates to stay informed on negotiations and the Appropriation Committee for Higher Education hearing.
Please keep watch for additional emails over the next couple of weeks.
In Solidarity. JOIN UCONN-AAUP
Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President Michael Bailey, Executive Director |
“Follow” us on Twitter: @UConnAAUP |
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