Specific Articles of Expired Contract Extended
We have reached an agreement in principle on a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Board of Trustees (BOT) to extend the following benefits at funding levels consistent with the expired contract: Professional Development, Child Care Reimbursement, Tuition Reimbursement, and Provost Fund. These benefits will be provided retroactive to July 1, 2021. Please follow the link for additional information on Professional Development.
Contract Extension Agreement Update: Day 13 – No Contract Extension Agreement (CEA)
On July 9, 2021, your negotiating team made a proposal to the administration that not only met the BOT requirements for a 1-year contract extension agreement, but with a substantial savings to the University. It was rejected the next day, with the statement that “the University is not willing to enter into an extension agreement at this time.” Absent any intent of the administration to enter into an extension agreement, we will begin searching for dates over the summer months and into the fall to negotiate for a successor agreement.
Historically, when a state employee contracts expires, it has been the practice of the employer to honor the terms and conditions of the expired contract. Should any bargaining unit member become aware that the administration has not honored the terms and conditions of the expired contract, please immediately notify UConn-AAUP. We will use all of our resources to enforce this past practice.
SEBAC Press Conference – “Governor Lamont, State Employees Deserve a Fair Contract!”
WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 beginning at 4:30 PM
WHERE: Governor Lamont’s Empty Parking Spot at the State Capitol (South Side)
HOW: Click here to register to participate (if you haven’t already)
A strong showing at this event is paramount to our message to the Governor. The heroic efforts of state employees to keep all state agencies running during the pandemic are not being acknowledged by your office at the negotiating tables. The state of Connecticut is financially stable and needs to offer wage adjustments that keep pace with inflation and prevent further salary compression.
UConn-AAUP members, we urge you to join other state employees in sending a strong message to the Governor on TODAY!
In Solidarity!
UConn-AAUP Negotiating Team
Mary Ellen Junda, President | ||
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President | ||
Michael Bailey, Executive Director | ||
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