UConn-AAUP Update, July 9, 2021

SEBAC Press Conference – “Governor Lamont, State Employees Deserve a Fair Contract!”

WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 beginning at 4:30 PM

WHERE: Governor Lamont’s Empty Parking Spot at the State Capitol (South Side)

HOW: Click her to register to participate (if you haven’t already)

A strong showing at this event is paramount to our message to the Governor – the heroic efforts of state employees to keep all state agencies running during the pandemic are not being acknowledged by your office at the negotiating tables. The state of Connecticut is financially stable enough to offer wage adjustments to keep pace with inflation and prevent further compression experienced with no general wage increases from management hiring decisions. UConn-AAUP members, join other state employees in sending a strong message to the Governor on Tuesday – register TODAY!

Contract Extension Agreement Update: Day 9 – No Contract Extension Agreement (CEA)

We are now at day 9 without a contract extension agreement with the BOT. There seems to be an unwillingness of the BOT to accept that we have provided a proposal that meets their requirements for a 1-year extension. Absent the 1-year extension, the BOT are not required to provide funds for professional development, child care reimbursement and tuition reimbursement, and any of the other items that require funding. But more importantly, it does not provide the stability and security the administration and the bargaining unit rely on while under a collective bargaining agreement. Not having an employment agreement is detrimental to the labor/management relationship and should only occur under extreme circumstances.

Use the hashtag #UConnFaculty4ContractExtension to circulate your concerns. Tag the media outlets including The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, CT Mirror and the Hartford Courant.

In Solidarity!

UConn-AAUP Negotiating Team


Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President
Michael Bailey, Executive Director

“Like” Us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/uconnaaup