UConn-AAUP Update: June 17, 2021

In this Article:

  • Membership Meeting via Zoom: June 24, 2021, 3:00 pm
  • Negotiations Update – Current Contract Expiring, No New Contract 
  • AAUP Releases Statement on CRT
  • Provost Office – Update on In-person Teaching
  • Membership Development

Membership Meeting via Zoom: June 24, 2021, 3:00 pm

Open to members of UConn-AAUP only. Zoom link will be provided on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

Join Zoom Meeting


Negotiations Update – Current Contract Expiring, No New Contract 

Over the past year, your negotiating Team has met with representatives of the Board of Trustees in negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement (contract). For a number of reasons negotiations unfortunately have not led to a new contract; therefore, the current contract will expire July 1, 2021. (There are 31 other state employee bargaining units who will have their contracts expire on July 1st, including UCPEA, UCHC-AAUP and UHP).

When a similar situation occurred in 2017, the negotiating team was able to secure a “Contract Extension Agreement” (CEA) fairly easily with the administration that extended the contract for one year or until a new contract was agreed to by the parties and approved by the legislature. This year, the administration has withheld agreement unless we facilitate an opportunity for the administration to petition the Labor Board to remove coaches and performance personnel from the bargaining unit. In exchange for our facilitating this opportunity, we have secured the Professional Development Fund, Child Care Reimbursement, Tuition Reimbursement, and Provost Fund in the CEA. We also are confident of our chances of prevailing at the Labor Board to retain our coaches and performance personnel in UConn-AAUP. Please attend the Membership Meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 3:00 pm for more information.

AAUP Releases Statement on Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Irene Mulvey, National AAUP President, along with a wide coalition of organizations, released a statement yesterday voicing their strong opposition to legislation that has been proposed across the country “that target academic lessons, presentations, and discussion of racism and related issues in American history in schools, colleges and universities.” The legislation aims to prohibit or impede the teaching and education of students about the role of racism in history of the United States.

Update on In-person Teaching Modality

On Monday, June 14, 2021, Provost Lejuez sent out an email indicating he will not be establishing a new process to review potential exemptions for individuals to switch teaching modality from in-person to fully virtual instruction for medical reasons. Instead, all requests to transition one’s teaching will be handled through the existing ADA process. As many of you know, it is difficult to secure an ADA accommodation and thus more difficult to receive approval for a change in modality. UConn-AAUP will assist you in this process as we have an MOA with the Provost Office allowing for this type of accommodation. Please contact UConn-AAUP if you are refused an accommodation for a medical reason.

Membership Development

UConn has been hiring employees throughout the summer who are potential members of UConn-AAUP. Representatives of UConn-AAUP have been meeting with these new employees to impress upon them the importance of becoming a member and supporting the efforts of the negotiating team to reach a new contract. It is very important that these new employees hear from their colleagues that support UConn-AAUP. If you would like to review a list of the new members, please contact Terri Reed (terrir@uconnaaup.org)

If you are interested in joining other state employees is encouraging the Governor to provide a decent wage increase for the new contracts, join the SEBAC Organizing 2022 group. Louise Simmons, (louise.simmons@cocast.net) UConn-AAUP Vice President for Membership Development and Organizing, is  participating in the organizing of several actions planned across the state and she would like your help in representing UConn-AAUP. Please email her to get involved!!

In Solidarity!

UConn-AAUP Negotiating Team


Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President


Michael Bailey, Executive Director

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