Rally for a Moral Budget: May 17, 2023; 6:00 – 7:00 pm, North Steps of the State Capitol Building
Recover for All Rally for a Moral Budget: The state budget package passed by the Appropriations Committee falls far short of the requests made by our higher education leaders and many health, education and safety service providers that protect Connecticut’s quality of life. We must join our friends and let our voices be heard as our next generation depends on us. Don’t miss this event.
To register, scan the QR Code, or follow this link:
Join us in your UConn-AAUP t-shirt! ILet Gina know if you are planning on attending and she will let you know the meet up spot (or look for the blue shirts!)! ginadb@uconnaaup.org
In Solidarity,
Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar, President
Jean McCarthy, Executive Vice President
Michael BaileyExecutive Director
Tel 860.487.0450