In this Issue:
- UConn-AAUP Member Wellness Initiative
- UConn-AAUP Ongoing Member Wellness Group
- UConn-AAUP Member Wellness Seminar Series
UConn-AAUP Ongoing Member Wellness Group
Faculty life can be stressful and emotionally taxing. For many people, “unhelpful” thinking patterns contribute to their stress and negative emotions. Among faculty, these patterns may include self-doubt & second-guessing, perfectionism, frequent self-criticism, evaluation worry, negative outcome expectations, or imposter syndrome. These tendencies can diminish productivity, job satisfaction, relationship enjoyment, or overall wellbeing. Fortunately, there are structured activities designed to help people identify, challenge, and change their negative thinking patterns. The Faculty Wellness Group will involve learning and practicing these strategies over several weeks.
The UConn-AAUP Ongoing Member Wellness Group will meet virtually for 6-8 weeks. Participants should be available to attend most sessions. We anticipate room for approximately 8-12 people. Meetings will be held one morning a week (the specific day will depend on the time preferred by the most respondents on the doodle poll). We anticipate starting the week of September 20th and ending before Thanksgiving break.
Please complete the poll by Wednesday September 15, 2021 if you are interested in participating An email with more details on the specific starting date and time and how to join virtually will follow.
UConn-AAUP Member Wellness Seminar Series
To help promote faculty wellbeing during the upcoming year, AAUP will be sponsoring two programs as part of our 2021-22 Wellness Initiative. The first will be a Wellness Seminar Series. Each month, we will host a seminar focused on one of the common concerns endorsed by faculty in our recent AAUP survey. Seminars for the Fall will be virtual. For planning purposes, we will ask people to send an RSVP for the link, and then open to a general audience prior to the seminar. The second program will be a small, ongoing Faculty Wellness Group that will meet weekly for 6-8 weeks this fall. The focus will be on learning tools to change negative thought patterns that can impact wellbeing. Information about the small group will be coming soon.
The following link provides more details about the topics and presenters for our Fall seminars, which includes:
- Stop the Stress: Evidence-Based Strategies for Stress Management
Monday, September 27th 4-5 PM
2. Student Mental Health Support for Faculty: Understanding Roles, Responses & Resources(Hosted by the AAUP & SHaW Mental Health Services)
Monday, October 18th 3:30-5
3. PTR and the Pandemic: A Panel Discussion to Address Faculty Concerns
November TBD
In Solidarity.
Mary Ellen Junda, President
Jeffrey Ogbar, Executive Vice President Michael Bailey, Executive Director |
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