UConn-AAUP Update: September 7, 2023
In this Issue:
Welcome Back – Jeffrey Ogbar, UConn-AAUP President
Social Gathering – Hops 44, Friday, September 8th, 4-6:00 pm
Payroll Pay Dates
Legislative “In-District” Meetings
UConn-AAUP Fall Calendar
Dear UConn Faculty,
Welcome back to another academic year! For most of us, summer provides time for the three-Rs: rest, re-charging, and, yes, research. I hope that you have all enjoyed a fair balance of these. This is my second one-year term as President of the AAUP UConn Chapter. After several years on the Executive Committee, and two years as Executive Vice President, I remain honored to serve our membership.
Since our chapter’s formation in 1976, UConn-AAUP has been an essential organized voice for our members on the most critical issues related to our work at the University. From professors, to research assistants, and coaches, there are around 2,500 employees at UConn who are qualified for AAUP membership. We are proud that most are dues-paying members, but many remain disconnected. If you are not yet a member, I encourage you to join and add your voice to our chapter’s work. Please peruse our website, come to our meetings, or reach out to our leadership team to learn more.
Best wishes for a fantastic academic year!
In solidarity,
Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar
President, AAUP, UConn Chapter
Social Gathering – Hops44, Friday, September 8th, 4:00-6:00 pm
UConn-AAUP will be hosting a social event this Friday, September 8, 2023, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at Hops44, 625 Middle Turnpike, Storrs, CT. Free appetizers and a cash bar will be available. Hope to see you there to kick off the new academic year.
Payroll Pay Dates
For current employees of the bargaining unit, the negotiated salary increase was effective 8/23/23, which fell in the 8/11/23 – 8/24/23 pay period. Members’ check date of 9/8/23 will reflect 8.0 days (8/11/23 – 8/22/23) of their old rates, and 2.0 days (8/23/23 – 8/24/23) at their new rates. The check dated 9/22//23 will be the first payment which reflects a full pay period (8/25/23 – 9/7/23) at the new rates.
New bargaining unit members hired on 8/23/23 will receive a partial payment (2.0) days for the period of 8/23/23 – 8/24/23 on the check date 9/8/23. The first full payment for the period of 8/25/23 – 9/7/23 will be issued on check date 9//22/23.
The pay date calendar can be found here: https://payroll.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2008/2022/10/2023-Pay-Calendar.pdf.
Legislative “In-District” Meetings
UConn-AAUP will be continuing to meet with our elected legislative leaders this fall as we look to find common interests and ways to build professional relationships. Over the next week or two, we will be contacting members in selected legislative districts asking for participation in these meetings. We found these meetings very successful last year and we hope to have members willing to spend a few minutes with their elected leaders as we prepare for the shortened legislative session.
Fall Calendar of Events
Follow the link to the list of Fall Happenings for UConn-AAUP.
In Solidarity,
Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar, President
Jean McCarthy, Executive Vice President
Michael Bailey, Executive Director
Tel 860.487.0450