UConn Coronavirus Update for 7-13-20 – President’s Message

To the University Community:

Below, please find university updates on UConn’s preparations and response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The information is current as of this writing, but continue to check UConn’s main coronavirus information page for updates and additional details.

Details on UConn’s reopening plans are posted on a dedicated site as they become available.

Note: Updates are now emailed to the UConn community on an “as-needed” basis to share new information and announcements, and might not be distributed daily.

TESTING UPON REOPENING: In previous communications, the University indicated that all residential students will be tested when they return to campus before the fall semester begins, followed by a 14-day quarantine period. The University indicated that testing protocols for other populations, including faculty, staff and commuter students, were being evaluated but that testing would be done on a prioritized basis. The University is now finalizing those protocols, and later this week will share UConn’s testing strategy for employees and commuter students.

FEDERAL LAWSUIT ON INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RULES: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently issued new guidelines mandating that international students in the U.S. must leave the country if their coursework at American colleges and universities is entirely online this fall. UConn strongly opposes this. Earlier today, Gov. Lamont and Connecticut’s Attorney General announced the filing of a multi-state lawsuit against the federal government in opposition to this policy. Connecticut is one of 18 states that are parties to this lawsuit, which seeks an immediate injunction. President Katsouleas has authored this Declaration, which is attached to the complaint and injunction request. Please also find Provost Lejuez’s message to the campus community on this important issue.