Post-tenure Review FAQ

What is post-tenure review?

Like many institutions, the University of Connecticut awards tenure after a rigorous review of an individual’s performance in teaching, scholarship and service. Usually after six years on the tenure-track, an assessment is made of the likelihood that the faculty member will continue to be productive throughout his or her career. For some faculty, this career may last for another two decades.

Many institutions have instituted, or negotiated in the case of collective bargaining chapters, ways to monitor that a faculty member remains active throughout their careers. Some faculty believe this is simply a way to replace higher paid, less active faculty with non-tenure track, junior faculty. Other faculty believe that state legislators are trying to use post-tenure evaluations as a way to increase workloads.

Does UConn have a post-tenure review process?

Currently, UConn does not have a post-tenure review process. In 2014, the University embarked on a Strategic Plan Initiative, which called for the implementation of a post-tenure review process. As was rightly pointed out by UConn-AAUP, supported by a legal opinion from its lawyer, and eventually confirmed by the Provost Office, any new evaluation of faculty member is a mandatory subject of bargaining and therefor must be negotiated with UConn-AAUP. Recently, some departments faculty have agreed to language for their governance documents that allows for an evaluation of faculty workload with the potential for increasing their teaching assignment. These have not been negotiated with the administration, so any change in assignment which is objected to by the faculty member, may rise to a grievance.

Would a faculty member lose tenure with a poor evaluation?


Can a faculty members lose their tenure status with a poor evaluation?


Any evaluation of a faculty member at UConn must be negotiated with the union. As such, all evaluations will be



The American Association of University Professors has long criticized the practice of post-tenure reviews and its leaders said such a system rarely provided any benefits. “It can deprive a tenured faculty member of the presumption of competence and it can have a chilling effect on academic freedom,” said Greg Scholtz, AAUP’s director of academic freedom, tenure and governance.

AAUP’s existing policy on such reviews says that “no procedure for evaluation of faculty should be used to weaken or undermine the principles of academic freedom and tenure. The association cautions particularly against allowing any general system of evaluation to be used as grounds for dismissal or other disciplinary sanctions.”

While the organization approves of reviews for merit raises, it does not call them post-tenure reviews. “We are also not opposed to voluntary reviews that are intended to assist a professor in improving his or her performance. But such a review is not what is usually called ‘post-tenure review,’ ” Scholtz said.

Scholtz drew a distinction between formalized post-tenure processes and a “dismissal for cause”, which can be a way for a tenured professor to be fired but also added that “some post-tenure reviews procedures can, and all-too-often do, lead to a faculty member being dismissed for cause.”


UConn-AAUP 2020 Excellence Award Winners

We are pleased to inform you that the UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards Committee selected the following faculty members as recipients of the 2020 UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards:













This year, as in the past, the UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards Committee was faced with a set of choices which were excellent in so many ways. The award recipients are extended sincere congratulations and deep appreciation from their colleagues and students for such outstanding work.

A formal presentation is planned on Monday, April 13th, at the State Capitol building in Room #310, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Any and all who wish to attend are welcome. Please RSVP to or the UConn-AAUP office 860-487-0450.

The recognition of faculty teaching, research, and service excellence through UConn-AAUP awards began in 1997. The intention of the awards is to showcase academic excellence at UConn.

University Update to COVID-19: 3/9/2020

University update to COVID-19 response as of 3/9/2020:

To the UConn Community:

Earlier today, Governor Lamont sent executive branch agency heads a directive designed to help prevent and delay COVID-19 in Connecticut, including freezing employee travel on state business.

University-Sponsored Travel Outside of Connecticut is Suspended: Though not an executive branch agency, UConn wishes to act in keeping with the governor’s goals. Effective immediately, all domestic and international, university-sponsored travel outside of the state by faculty and staff is suspended until further notice. Any exception needs to be approved by university leadership.

Requests for Travel Exceptions: If you believe an exception should be made for your planned travel, please make a request in writing to the appropriate operational leadership office to whom you report, meaning the President (for units that report directly to the President’s office), Provost, Executive Vice President for Administration/CFO, or the CEO of UConn Health. Each request will be evaluated and a response will be provided.
Travel Updates: In consultation with the Governor’s office, the university may determine what is or is not essential employee travel and will provide you with any updates.
Campus Events: Organizers of events on any of our campuses being attended by out-of-state travelers must continue to consult with the Provost’s office (if the event as academic in nature, including the regional campuses and the schools in Farmington) or the EVP for Administration’s office (if the event is non-academic in nature) to determine if any modifications are needed. This requirement applies to all events sponsored by the University, including schools, colleges, departments as well as employee-sponsored or student-sponsored events.

On-campus activities such as athletic events and fine arts performances can continue as scheduled. If anything changes or if modifications are needed, new guidance will be shared immediately.

Please also continue to consult UConn’s coronavirus information page for resources and guidance on these issues and related topics.

Coronavirus Information for Higher Education

The American Association of University Professors provides information pertaining to COVID-19:

Coronavirus Information for Higher Ed

We are monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and will be regularly updating this page of resources for AAUP members and others in the higher education community. The AAUP emphasizes the need for governmental responses to COVID-19 to be guided by expert knowledge and stresses the importance of faculty participation in the development of institutional responses to the coronavirus. As our Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities observes, the faculty has primary responsibility in areas such as curriculum, methods of instruction, and aspects of student life that relate to the educational process.

Please email with any suggestions of further resources to add to this list.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19
Situation Dashboard

US Government Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Department of Education (DOE) 
COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Guidance for Student Foreign Travel

Department of State
Current Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Travel Warnings and Advisories)

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance Center

Higher Ed Resources

From our organizing partner, American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
COVID-19—How to Be Prepared: Bulletin for Higher Ed Faculty and Staff
Is Your Workplace Ready for Coronavirus? Guidance for Local Higher Education Leaders on Information Requests and Requests to Bargain

American Association for State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
Resources for State Colleges and Universities on the Coronavirus

American College Health Association (ACHA)
2019 Novel Coronavirus: What Campuses Need to Know

ACHA and the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)
Coronavirus Resources for Colleges

American Council on Education (ACE)
Colleges Continue Coronavirus Planning; CDC Issues Guidance for Foreign Programs and Domestic Campuses

Printable CDC Factsheets

Coronavirus Monitoring Update – University Communication

The University of Connecticut is taking steps to address the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus, by restricting travel and recommending self-monitoring, stay at home, requirement. See the statement below.

Dear UConn Employees:

As the University continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus, across the globe, we are taking steps to help improve our informational awareness and reduce the risk to our community state-wide.


Effective immediately and in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UConn and UConn Health will require that employees follow the guidance below:

1) Individuals who have returned from personal or business travel within the past 14 days from a CDC Level 2 or 3 country should remain at home for at least 14 full days after their return from these countries and self-monitor daily for fever (>100.5 degrees F), cough, and shortness of breath.
2) Individuals who have already returned from a CDC Level 2 or Level 3 country, returned to work, and remain within the full 14-day period of potential exposure, please inform your manager and the Office of Human Resources (see contact information) immediately and remain at home for the remainder of the required full 14-day period.
3) Individuals who are asymptomatic during and after the full 14-day period should notify their manager and the Office of Human Resources before returning to their regular duties/station.
4) Individuals who develop symptoms during the full 14-day period should contact their primary care provider to determine the necessity of an in-person medical evaluation. Individuals should also notify their manager and the Office of Human Resources. Employees should seek emergency care if symptoms worsen after alerting the facility of your travel history and impending arrival.
5) Individuals with household members who traveled to a CDC Level 2 or Level 3 country and who may or may not be symptomatic should remain at home for 14 full days following first contact following their return.

NOTE: UConn and UConn Health may identity new geographical regions, including domestic areas, as areas with risk of spread of COVID-19 and travel to these regions may result in exclusion from work activities upon return. Anyone who is not a U.S. National returning from a CDC Level 3 country may not be readmitted to the U.S. by Custom and Border Protection.


Effective immediately, UConn and UConn Health have cancelled all institutionally sponsored international travel to CDC Level 2 and Level 3 countries. Guest visits from these countries is also suspended at this time. It is strongly encouraged to cancel or postpone all non-essential foreign travel at this time.

Before commencing any international travel, employees, residents and guests must complete this form via the Office of Global Affairs. Individuals currently abroad should also complete the form.

Note that the form asks for your Net ID and password. There may be employees, residents and guests who do not use their Net ID regularly and may not know it or do not have one. If that is the case, please click here and follow the instructions.

Once the form intake occurs, a number of additional internal steps will occur and the Office of Human Resources may contact you based on the complete details of your form.


Business travel within the United States is currently allowed at the discretion of UConn and UConn Health employees and managers using the regular protocols; but in an abundance of caution business travel may be reviewed to determine if that business travel is immediately essential to the mission of the University. All personal employee travel within the United States remains a personal choice, but we urge you to take special precautions in respect to your own health.


Please inform external contractors, vendors, consultants or residency program directors that UConn and UConn Health is barring international business travel to CDC Level 2 and Level 3 countries. Individuals, including non-employees, who have visited one of these nations in the last 14 days must undergo a 14-day self-monitoring period at home before returning to any University campus. This restriction does not apply to those seeking treatment at UConn Health.


Here are some tips to stay healthy:

Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
Do not shake hands; instead, use alternative greetings.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

All employees who are being instructed to stay at home for 14 days and monitor their health may be approved to telecommute for work with University approval in accordance with our respective telecommuting policies, guidelines, and bargaining unit contracts. More information regarding telecommuting will be forthcoming from the Office of Human Resources.


All employees who are being instructed to stay at home for 14 days to monitor their health and for whom no telecommuting capability can be arranged, will be placed on paid leave through the 14 day self-monitoring period and paid in accordance with their regular base rate of pay. Note: Some exceptions apply to temporary and short-term employees.


Employees OR household members of employees who become ill with COVID-19 or manifest symptoms of the virus must follow the instructions of their health care provider. The illness may or may not rise to the level of a Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) event, but the Office of Human Resources will provide all the relevant FMLA paperwork as appropriate. Employees who are or become ill should use accrued leave time, if applicable. If an employee exhausts their sick leave, employees should use other accrued leave, including vacation, personal leave, or any additional time prescribed by a specific bargaining agreement or policy. Employees who do not accrue paid time off should contact their manager and the Office of Human Resources.


Please contact your primary care provider with medical questions. Individuals may also visit the two University websites for Storrs & the Regional Campuses and UConn Health.

Please contact the Office of Human Resources for any other questions, as appropriate:

· Storrs/Regionals:
· UConn Health:

In closing, as the University and the Office of Human Resources continues to develop more information for all campuses, we will keep employees apprised of further guidance and FAQs. We are grateful for all ongoing efforts and encourage all supervisors to take a moment to talk to their teams about contingency and continuity planning, including staffing and resource needs.

For many in the UConn community, this is a very stressful time. Remember that our strength as an institution lies in our respect for each other, understanding, and compassion. Please continue to be supportive of one another, take care of yourself and each another in in the days ahead. Together, we will work to ensure the health and safety of our community.



Christopher Delello
Chief Human Resources Officer

State of Connecticut Medical Benefits Award Decision

As of July 1, 2020, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (Anthem) will administer all health benefits for active state, municipal and pre-Medicare retirees and their dependents on the State of Connecticut health plan. This includes employees in those towns, cities and school districts participating in the State Partnership Plan. UnitedHealthcare will continue to administer benefits under their fully insured Medicare Advantage plan for those retirees and eligible dependents who are Medicare eligible.
Follow the link to a Frequently Asked Question handout:

State Medical Benefits Award 2020 FAQ (aba606ae-5bd7-4dbd-8735-bcc09ceed808) (1)

UConn-AAUP 2020 Excellence Awards

The UConn-AAUP seeks nominations of its members for the UConn-AAUP Excellence Awards in Teaching, Research, and Service Recognition. The primary nominator must send the complete submission in a single pdf file, indicating the award category, via e-mail to Barbara Kratochvil at

The UConn-AAUP encourages updated submissions for applicants nominated within the last three years 2017, 2018, and 2019.

The deadline for submitting nominations to the UConn-AAUP office is FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2020.


Required Supporting Materials for All Teaching awards:
1) Two letters of support from UConn faculty members, including at least one with extensive knowledge of the applicant’s teaching.
2) Two letters of support from current or former UConn students (undergraduate or graduate).
3) OIR teaching evaluation data for all courses, as relevant.
4) Curriculum Vitae.

Eligibility: Untenured faculty member with 3 to 6 years of service at UConn and no more than 6 years of teaching experience as a faculty member at any institution.

Eligibility: Any faculty member with over 6 years teaching experience. This award recognizes classroom instruction, and advising and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students.

Eligibility: Any faculty member. This award recognizes new methods and curricular design.


Required Supporting Materials for all Research awards:
1) Four letters of support from faculty members with extensive knowledge of the applicant’s research, with at least one from UConn.
2) Curriculum Vitae.

Eligibility: Untenured faculty member with 3 to 6 years of service at UConn and no more than 6 years of research or creativity experience as a faculty member at any institution. This award recognizes outstanding scholarship, which may include journal articles, conference papers, books, exhibitions of creative work, external funding, and other appro­priate criteria as determined by the evaluating committee, with an emphasis on scholarship performed at UConn.

Eligibility: Any faculty member with over 6 years of experience. This award recognizes scholarship with a national and international reputa­tion, outstanding service in promoting scholarship at UConn, and long-term impact on UConn scholarship.


Required Supporting Materials for Service Excellence award:
1) Four letters of support, including at least one from a faculty member with extensive knowledge of the applicant’s UConn service.
2) Curriculum Vitae.
Eligibility: Open to all UConn-AAUP members.
This award recognizes service performed while maintaining satisfactory performance in other regular assignments (e.g., teaching and scholarly activities) such as:
1. Professional service that positively impacts the citizens of the State, consistent with UConn’s land-grant mission.
2. Professional service that contributes to the common good at national and/or international levels.
3. Leadership in enhancing the visibility of UConn among prospective undergraduate and graduate students, thus improving enrollment and the quality of incoming students.
4. Contributions promoting significant program excellence and/or improved productivity of students, staff, and faculty.
5. Leadership in fostering cooperative activities within the University to enhance success in its mission.



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Stamford Faculty Council Election

The Stamford Faculty Council (SFC), a New Governance Body for All Teaching Faculty

The faculty at the Stamford campus are holding an election to create a Faculty Governance Body, named the Stamford Faculty Council. The SFC would function to represent the interests and concerns of faculty before decisions are made and implemented. Interim Provost John Elliott recommended that the Stamford faculty organize its own governing body in meetings this past summer as one avenue for productive faculty involvement in campus governance.

The Stamford campus is facing severe challenges due to rapidfire expansion. Majors and programs are being added, and enrollment has skyrocketed, rising from 1200 in 2000 to almost double this year (2200 in 2019-20). Official projections have the campus doubling again in size within five years. Until recently the campus had no dorms; now it has three, and plans to add more. The number of faculty has nearly doubled, and the administrative staff has increased proportionately, with dozens of hires and departures. Yet there is no infrastructure for active faculty governance, so the Stamford faculty as a whole has no independent voice or seat at the table, either at Stamford or Storrs, in planning the future of the campus, even in many matters with direct impact on teaching, learning, and advising.

Keeping this pressing need in mind, the charge of the Stamford Faculty Council will be to promote faculty governance in key areas, including Academics, Faculty Working Conditions, Campus Space Planning, and Student/Faculty Matters, including Advising.

In the area of Academics, the committee will work on planning concerns such as the target portfolio of majors to be offered, the staffing composition of full-time and adjunct faculty to service the majors, the target student/faculty ratio, and class size.

The area of Faculty Working Conditions concerns include technical and secretarial support, allotment of office space, visibility on the website, and access to campus committees and participation in planning affecting work life, such as parking, food services, and the gym.

In the area of Campus Space Planning, concerns will include space needs for curricular and academic activities (library, offices), and co-curricular and extracurricular activities shared by students and faculty (e.g. art gallery and gym).

In the area of Student/Faculty Matters, the group will serve as a liaison between faculty and administration when students encounter issues or barriers with getting support, for example in a family crisis or because of sudden financial need, which harm student learning and success.  The needs of faculty, especially adjuncts, for advising and teaching support form another area of concern.

The SFC will determine its own schedule, rules, and structure in its first phase after members are elected. Its primary goal will be to form an independent voice for faculty at the Stamford campus geared specifically to its unique identity and needs.



Comptroller’s Office Releases SEBAC Concession Savings for FY18,19

Executive Summary of the Comptroller’s Report:


Executive Summary

In 2017 the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) and the state negotiated an agreement to assist in resolving the financial issues of the State of Connecticut while preserving public services. Under the agreement, changes were made to employee pension and health care benefits and agreements on employee compensation. Through these negotiations, the state projected a savings of $700.9 million in Fiscal Year 2018 and $868.6 million in Fiscal Year 2019 or $1.57 billion over the biennium.

The following report is a breakdown of the actual savings associated with the 2017 SEBAC contract amendment.

As the analysis demonstrates, programs and initiatives established pursuant to the 2017 SEBAC agreement have collectively resulted in a net savings of $1.7 billion over Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019 – exceeding the total initial projected savings by approximately $128.8 million. Many of these programs are ongoing and expected to continue to produce savings in future fiscal years.

Report submitted to Governor Ned Lamont and the Connecticut General Assembly on 12/10/2019

Report generated by the Office of the State Comptroller


I Am “All-In” With UConn-AAUP

At the Annual Membership Meeting on October 24, 2019, UConn-AAUP announced its I Am “All-In” With UConn-AAUP membership confirmation campaign as it prepares to negotiate improvements to the current collective bargaining agreement that expires on June 30 2021. The campaign is geared to:

  1. Signing new members to UConn-AAUP;
  2. Identifying new officers and leaders of the Chapter;
  3. Supporting collective bargaining efforts in ramping-up for an improved agreement;
  4. Seeking participation on contract sub-committees;
  5. Working for the Contract Action Team;
  6. Filling vacancies on the Representative Assembly.

All members and non-members of the bargaining unit will be asked to sign a “Confirmation Form” which indicates their willingness to support the negotiating team as they bargain with the administration. Support can take many forms and UConn-AAUP representatives will be reaching to establish the level of support from each member.

Supporting information for the “All-In” campaign, and the Confirmation Form can be found here.