UConn-AAUP February 2, 2024 Update
UConn-AAUP Responds Strongly to 5-Year Financial Plan
UConn-AAUP Organizing Committee
Virtual Forum for Non-Tenure Track Positions
UConn-AAUP 2004-2025 Executive Committee Candidate Slate
Upcoming Statewide Events
UConn-AAUP Responds Strongly to 5-Year Financial Plan:
Thank you to everyone who attended the last two webinar sessions held by UConn-AAUP on UConn’s 5-year Financial Plan. It was a powerful show of solidarity to have more than 250 people at the sessions and over 150 people attend the informational picket outside of the UConn library last week. As a chapter we will continue to share information as we learn about it and continue to support efforts to stop the cuts within departments and units. We will continue to post information on our website here: 2024 UConn Budget Information – UConn-AAUP (uconnaaup.org)
UConn-AAUP Organizing Committee
UConn-AAUP Organizing Committee will continue to develop the union’s collective response and strategy to the Administration’s disastrous budget plan. There are many ways to stay informed and get involved. If you are interested in finding out more about future actions or information, please contact Sam Sommers smsommers@gmail.com or Gina DeVivo Brassaw ginadb@uconnaaup.org for details.
UConn-AAUP Virtual Forum for Non-Tenure Track positions
Monday, February 5, 2024 7:00-8:00 PM
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 988 702 4369 Passcode: 374007
The goal of this session is to have a discussion as to your experiences here at UConn, answer questions and discuss ways UConn-AAUP can best support you in your work. Please register so we know you are coming! FORUM REGISTRATION
UConn-AAUP 2004-2025 Executive Committee Candidate Slate
The nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the 2024-2025 Executive Committee. They can be found here: https://uconnaaup.org/uconn-aaup-2024-…-committee-slate/
The Constitution of the Chapter allows for further nominations. Any further nominations, or self-nominations, must be received by the UConn-AAUP Office no later than February 9, 2024.
Upcoming Events you might be interested in:
peakers: Senate President Pro Tem Martin Looney, students from around the state, and leaders from CSU-AAUP and the 4Cs
Monday, February 5th | 10:00AM | Hartford – Capitol Building
Speakers: Senator Gary Winfield, State Representative Kate Farrar, and workers and students from across Connecticut
Tuesday, February 6th | 10:00AM | Hartford – LOB Room 1A
Legislative Session for House & Senate Begins
Wednesday, February 7th
House Finance, Revenue, and Bonding w/ OPM on Governors Adjustments
Friday, February 9th
In Solidarity,
Michael Bailey, Executive Director
Gina DeVivo Brassaw, Internal Organizer